
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

IPYG, Giving Light of Peace to this world!

Our world is suffering from many disaster, war, earthquake, dispute....
it occured many places in this beatiful planet.

I wonder mindset of all world peoeple are naturally distorted by invisible thing
How can people fight each other? How come?

I always want to live with my family(friends, lovers,etc) in happy mood.

But it's not easier to come closer to person that has different thinking.
I felt like going under and under to space that has no support at the bottom.

While I am talking to my friends with the subject as mentioned above,
My friend always says "Don't take care about it, Let's Drink!"I
I felt like being frustrated

After that time,
On my way to business trip to Busan,
I saw a lot of people walking around the city
They're walking along the side walk and holding banners of worldpeace
They were working at IPYG(International Peace Youth Group) for worldpeace.

I think worldpeace is just like a word in textbook.
Because it cannot be realized into physics in our world till nowadays.
Many Peace activitist have their catchphrase and do their act in enthusiastic mood,
but it just did in temporily and their outcome always disappeared quickly.

But Peace Walk movements in Busan makes my mind hot and outraged.
I am also in youth ages, but I did not act like them.
Their behavior comes into my mind, as lighthouse shines his light to the darkest Sea.

After seeing that, I come back to my business accomodation and think about Peace.
I thought and thought that the meaning of peace and how can it achieve at this world.
Also, I searched IPYG on the internet and study about their activity.

I found that the amazing things
They declare worldpeace and do their activities in a variety fields of this world.
(Sports, Volunteer to help Social Communities, etc)
Many people in our world follow their mottos(they have 235 affiliates in the world)

I thank for their works and also want to be part of them.
Would you like to join?
It will be an excting jouney of your life!


  1. Many people in the world have wanted peace since human beings had existed so IPYG's activities are meaningful to our world.

  2. Yes I agree...that many people talk about peace, but few people actually walk the talk. Im happy to see IPYG is an action oriented organization!
