
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Blossom for Peace, Daisy

I am a flower lover and i love to introduce flowers to people.
so I am going to introduce flowers to people.
if you hear its name you will say "ah~~~"
it is very familiar to us ! it is called "Daisy"
Did u know that Daisy signs peace and hope?!

( description of daisy)
It is an herbaceous perennial plant with short creeping rhizomes and rosettes of small rounded or spoon-shaped leaves that are from 3/4 to 2 inches (approx. 2–5 cm) long and grow flat to the ground. The species habitually colonises lawns, and is difficult to eradicate by mowing - hence the term 'lawn daisy'. Wherever it appears it is often considered an invasive weed.
<reference from :>

If somebody finds  daisy in the flower bed, he can't just pass by without admiring its beauty.
 even it is a very small flower it is really attractive flower.
it is not big like lily,rose or else but it is beguiling.
it makes us thinking about lovely girl , that is why it also signs modest beauty.
I love flowers like this reasons,when we look at flowers it makes thinking something pure,
making our minds comfortable.
so there are many therapy by flowers for mentally problem person .
I hope  everybody loves flower and have pure mind so there will be no conflicts and wars.
then, we can have society peace and grew into nation peace and finally world peace.


  1. Cool, I didnt know that the daisy was a symbol of peace and hope :)

  2. You hsve very beautiful mind.
    You can change the world.

  3. That flower looks like an egg. As the egg hatch, peace will come!!
